Sunday, March 25, 2007

Business As Usual

So...Ive been on spring break for the last week. In theory this would have been the time to write the two past due papers I owe or catch up on all the reading I havent been doing all semester or maybe even try to find myself a job for after graduation (assuming I graduate in May, which at the rate Im going is no guarantee). But no, I did none of these things.

Instead, I just sat in my room for a whole week. Seriously. I havent seen the outside world in seven days (except for the brief glimpses I got when going to the door to retrieve my delivery orders). What did I do with all this time while cooped up in my room? Did I find (or even just start) my master opus? Oh no. I drew and read and wrote and watched T.V. and played video games and stayed up until five in the morning and sleep until three in the afternoon and threw mental tempertantrums about how much I hate school and work and life - all of which was wonderful, but none too productive.

Oh, well. I guess Ill just pull an all nighter tonight (and maybe tomorrow night as well) and try to get enough work done to keep me from dying of shame when my teachers glare at me in dissapointment on Monday.

On a more happy note, welcome to the things that have been keeping me (in?)sane recently:

Best Present Ever

Darkest Sketch Ever

TMNT Trailer

Spiderman 3 Trailer

Order of the Phoenix Trailer

Simpson's Movie Trailer