Friday, August 19, 2005

Kissed The Girls And Made Them Cry


I watched High Fidelity (you know... romantic comedy, John Cusack?). Well, I really liked the movie. I mean, it isn't Oscar winning material, but it's a realistic look at relationships and love. The main couple break up and later get back together (of course) not because they realize that they are madly in love, can't live without each other, and could never imagine being with another person, but simply because they have something good. Its not spectacular, its not amazing, but just...good. Stable, dependable, realiable, REAL. Without a doubt, there will be times when one or the other or both will desire something else or lust for someone else. Shit, you don't always like the people you love. But in the end, you do always love them and they always love you. You could cheat everytime you had the urge, but you'd always come home to that one person. After awhile of that kind of running around, you'd realize that there is very little point in the affairs and they'd stop. That's kinda how I feel love is. You never find the perfect person, but now and again you meet a person who just feels like home. They don't give you high highs or low lows. You just live, like you've always lived except now its so much easier and happier, because you've got a companion to share everything with.

* * * *

I saw Eric Benét perform at Club Paradise in Downtown Boston. Now, I have never been one of those women that thought Eric Benét was fine. In fact, I always thought he was a bit overrated. But, I was wrong. He was a amazing. He is very handsome, a sharp dresser, cool and funny, and he can "sang." I can understand why he gets himself into so much trouble with the ladies. He's got that whole "grown and sexy" thing going on. Which reminds me, he was definately flirting with one of his backup singers all night. In my opinion, either he is hitting that or he's trying to hit that. Hey, I don't blame him. Homegirl can sing; she did Tamia's part on "Spend my life with you" and was hitting all the notes. Anyone that can hang with Tamia is nice. And she was fine too. If I were a guy, I'd probably try to hit that, lol. Anyway, the concert was amazing. Although, my boyfriend and I were probably the youngest people at the club. That always happens to us. We may look young, but according to our interests, we're actally middle-aged. The band (The Movement) that opened for Eric Benét (they were amazing also) covered some oldies but goodies and everyone was looking at my bf and me like we were crazy because we knew the words when clearly the music was before our time. Which reminds me; Eric Benét's cover of "I wanna be your lover" by Prince was GREAT. If you don't know that song, go download it right this instant. Now. NOW. NOWER!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Better Than Sex?

So, you know how there's this myth about women thinking chocolate is better than sex? Well, I've never been one of those women. I don't even like it that much. I have to eat it in small doses, otherwise it starts to taste disgusting. Today, however, out of curiousity and to meet the minimum spending requirement for delivery orders, I ordered a nutella chocolate and strawberry crepe from Pasta Pisa. When I got it, I meant to just eat a bite to see what it tasted like and then save the rest for a desert after I finished my pasta. But it was sooooo good I ate the whole thing and never even touched the pasta! I wouldn't necessarily say that it was better than sex, but it was damn close. The best way to describe it is this...if the crepe had been a guy, I would have hit that. Lol.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Summer Rain

I woke up this morning and said to myself "I am going to go to Davis Square today," partially because I was in need of some things that the Brooks there could provide me with and partially just because I wanted to get out of my room for awhile. But of course, things did not go as I planned. I looked outside and I thought, it's hot out there. I checked, which confirmed that it was indeed a fairly warm day. Did I really want to walk all the way to Davis and back just for a few items? After giving the matter deep consideration, I decided to go to the convenience store down the hill from my place instead.

I managed to pick up a case of cokes and something frozen to eat for lunch, but not the things I really needed. It seemed that I would have to walk to Davis after all. But wait! I realized that I own a bike. Not only would this make the trip shorter, but it would also provide me with a constant breeze to protect me from the heat. But did I really want to carry my bike all the way down a flight of stairs, ride all the way to Davis with my shoddy breaks, search for an unknown amount of time for a place to lock up my bike once there, struggle up the steep hill on which my house is located on the way back, and then carry my bike back up the stairs? No, in reality, I did not. So, instead I wasted away the day watching TV, as usual.

However, around 8pm, after smallville went off, I became extremely bored, mostly because I knew nothing else good would be on TV till 11pm (ADULT SWIM - you better know about it and love it). So, since it was getting dark and cooling off and I was freaking starving, I decided to take that trip to Davis after all. I had my route all planned out. I'd go to Brooks first, grab what I needed, then head over to Anna's Taquería (best burritos ever), order a chicken burrito to go, bring it all home, and enjoy it with a nice cold coke. I dressed myself in bike riding friendly attire, I carried my bike down the stairs, bared down really hard on my breaks going down the steep hill I live on and prayed not to flip over the handle bars or go shooting off into the street at the bottom, then began riding at a leisurely pace down college ave. I got about a half a block away from the rotary (about 3 blocks) when without any warning at all, it begings pouring.

Really though, there were no scattered drops or light showers. Just, all of the sudden, sheets of water were falling on me. So, I turn around and start heading home thinking that I obviously was not meant to go to Davis Square today. Now, I was afraid to pedal too fast, because my bike has really bad brakes and there was water everywhere. On top of that, there was water running into my eyes like crazy. I kept trying to blink it away, but that just left room for more to fill the space. So, I couldn't stop and I could barely see. All I could think was, please let me make it home before the lightening starts.

After awhile though, I had to admit that the rain felt really damn nice. It's great to just get drenched with cold water when you're really hot. I was glad I had a logical excuse for being out in the downpour. I also began hoping that my boyfriend would have gotten home in the time that I was gone (even though only about 20 minutes had elapsed), because I figured he would really appreciate a drenched me. Well, I made it home in one piece and he did happen to be there and he did, of course, enjoy the soggy mess that came walking through the door.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Another Week In Carla

Meh. I've been doing stuff, but not much. (No dates because it's summer and the days all blend into each other)

My boyfriend and I walked to Target to get me a cheaper, yet better, bike to replace the one that was stolen. Despite the fact that mapquest told us the journey would be short, it turned out to be a really really long walk. Dah well, now I have a bike with a kickstand.

I've gone out a few times (meals, movies, etc.) with my boyfriend and one of his female friends. She's pretty, intelligent, and an english major, so it's been good times. For some reason, I always enjoy having a third person along when my boyfriend and I go out. We aren't a PDA kind of couple, so the other person doesn't feel awkward or left out plus it gives my boyfriend and I a reason to talk. That sounds bad, but it's really not. I love my bf and I love his company, but we've gotten to know each other so well that there is almost no reason to speak anymore. We're practically one person. Like he says, it's like each person is an extention of the other. So, I don't get jealous, I just enjoy. Besides, I think I just might like it a little bit if he had the hots for another woman. Could be fun (wink, wink).

We've also spent some time with my bf's business partner and his girl lately. Cool peoples. The dude is great cus he one of those people who tell wonderfully long, rambling stories that have absolutely no point, but are hilarious so it doesn't matter. Also, he's seems randomly conservative on certain issues which is always interesting. My bf thinks he's just a hater though. This very well may be true. The matter requires further investigation.

Um...yeah. That's about all. Until next time, this is Carla signing off from CDTV. Good night and God bless.