Thursday, November 16, 2006


I'm taking the GREs tomorrow.

I should get some sleep. I probably won't.

I should have studied A LOT more. I didn't.

This is probably the most important test you will ever take said somone. They're probably right.

I should care. I don't.

I'm seriously considering skipping out on the test. But it's paid for, so I might as well take it. I guess.

I just don't give a damn. From the severe senioritis I'm suffering from right now, I know for a fact that I don't want to go to grad school. I don't want to do more tedious work, more research, more "learning." I just want to write and draw and read. That's it. That's my ambition. I don't need a MA or a PHD to feel good about myself at night. I just need to be able to do something with my life that I don't loathe. So yea...couldn't give a fuck less about the GREs.

In other news, my playwriting teacher invited our class to her apartment to hang out today. It was nice. We just sat around and talked about plays, fiction, literature, films, etc. I love writers.

Speaking of writing, I have this idea for a Naruto fanfic that's been burning my mind all day. I've never written fanfiction, but this idea refuses to be let go so I guess I'll have to do it.

Sadly, Naruto fanfic has been getting me through life for the last few weeks. Pathetic. I know. It's been mostly smut too. Even more pathetic. I know. Who knew I liked that kind of thing? I usually sit comfortably on my literary high horse refusing to even look at crap like that.

Doh well. Que sera, sera.

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