Thursday, June 01, 2006

Straight from Borders' Break Room

Fun Quotes: Officially my favorite part of working at Borders. The people, and therefore lunch breaks, are pretty entertaining. Here's a taste.

Employee #1: Yea, SBC calls the customers guests. I don't think so. To me, guests are people I can tell to get the fuck out. And I can't tell the cafe "guests" to get the fuck out, now can I?

Employee #2: What's your favorite way of telling people to get the fuck out?
Employee #1: Just like that. I just tell them, "get the fuck out."
Employee #2: I like to just get up mid sentence and open the door.
Employee #1: Well, this one time, I said very loudly to my girlfriend, "if these people don't get the fuck out, I'm going to make them get the fuck out."

Employee #1: Well, one of the people there was this guy that's been trying to get into my girlfriend's pants for like the last five years. Didn't really want him there.
Employee #3: Oh, is she one of those girls that insists that he's "just a friend?"
EMmployee #4: I hate when girls do that. It's perfectly ok to admit that a guy you don't like wants to get into your pants. Happens all the time. Nothing abnormal about it. As guys themselves, boyfriends should understand that.
Employee #1: Yea, single guys don't have girl friends, just women they want to sleep with.
Employee #4: Single guys have girl friends, they'd just be willing to sleep with them if given the chance.
Employee #2: Look, I'm a single guy and I separate people into 3 categories: friends, douchebags, and women I want to sleep with.

I think that's sufficient for now. Stay tuned for more tantalizing, but totally insignificant, information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um you def have way way way to much free time on your hands. I mean come on. Everyone knows everyone who works in the food service dosentlike the service. lol