Tuesday, May 30, 2006

This Week(ish) in Carla

Seniors graduated; I moved. Approximately 3 blocks. I'm subletting from a co-worker for the summer. The place has 2 balconies, a front door that locks, AC, and a functioning showerhead. It's about 10 minutes from my bf's place and 20 minutes from the nearest T stop. What more could I ask for (in boston)?

It stopped raining. Unless you've endured 2 weeks of constant cold, wet, grayness, you don't understand why this is noteworthy. But, trust me, it is.

Got a job for the summer. At Borders. In the bookstore and its cafe (seattle's best). I realized, once again, that I hate food service. The same customers who are kind and patient in the bookstore become entitled, cranky, rude assholes in the cafe. On the other hand, the bookstore is great. I love books. I love people who love books. I love learning about the book/publishing industry. Plus, the customers (like the one who calls himself Jesus, or the one who rufuses to touch money with her bare hands, or the one who keeps asking particularly for me everytime he comes into the store after I helped him find a book one day) provide interesting tales.

Saw Davinci Code, X-Men 3, M:i:III, and Ice Age 2. None of which were as bad as I thought they'd be, but none of them were too good either. Honestly/sadly, Ice Age 2 might have been the most entertaining. Still waiting on Superman returns and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. On the subject of movies...everyone go see Brick. It was good and probably needs support.

I had a co-worker tell me today that he once dated a Korean girl and therefore he is well-versed in race issues. He's a nice guy, he's a smart guy, and he has very good taste in literature. But still... can't escape that whole well-intentioned, ignorant, white person thing. Dah well.

Live from Medford, this Carla signing off. Goodnight and god-like figure bless.

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