Sunday, July 01, 2007


It's been forever since the last time I posted anything, so now I'm going to give you the quick recap of the last four months of my life.

I graduated. Barely. Mostly due to the kindness and leniency of my spring semester philosophy and english teachers. But I now have a diploma, so it still counts. It rained like hell the day I graduated. If you ask me, the symbolism was all wrong. I wasn't sad in the least. Still not. Soooo glad to be done with school. Mayor Bloomberg was the speaker for the all-school graduation. He gave a dull, stereotypically self-help type speak. The head of the english department (a wonderfully intelligent and witty man who I've actually mentioned in my blog before - the one I always say the wrong thing to) gave the address to the english, women's studies, and american studies graduation. Highlight (paraphrased): An american studies major, a women's studies major, and an english major walk into a bar. The american studies major says 'in this day and age there are still so many injustices of race, class, gender, wealth, etc. in the workforce and world. We have to change that.' The women's studies major says 'there are still so many gender injustices in the workplace. Women make 80 cents to every man's dollar. We have to change that.' The english major says 'Work? We have to change that.' Classic. Great. True.

The unshakeable feelings of depression and complete lack of motivation to do anything at all with myself ever dispersed after I graduated. My sleep schedule is much more normal. I do things. Write, read, see movies, whatever.

I have a job at this place: TNS Media/Cymfony. It's got to be the best suited job for me ever. We analyze online media content for various companies and report the findings back to them. Essentially, I read and write. I can do most of the work at home. I get to say I've worked for huge, well-established companies. I get paid for looking at newspapers, blogs, and youtube. It's awesome.

I had one of my (rather old, from junior year of high school I believe) short stories published on one of Boston's daily newspapers, BostonNOW. It was published from June 13 - June 15 in three parts. Take a look: Part One, Part Two, Part Three. Page twenty for all three. This is amazing because it's the first time I've had anything of mine accepted in a non-student publication. Still smiling about it now.

My boyfriend got a new, better paying, less annoying, job here: Oxford Global Resources. He also got a new car. A Honda Civic Hybrid. It's the best mileage I've ever seen in my life. 48-53 miles per gallon. Crazy. So we've been driving around Boston just for the hell of it a lot lately. Whoever created Boston's street layout was an idiot who clearly never took a math or physics class in his entire life. Not that I didn't know that before the car, but now I know it so much more intimately.

So basically, things are going well. It's nice when things go that way. I hope it lasts for awhile.

Completely random and for your entertainment:

Star Wars Robot Chicken

Great Family Guy Sketch

The Full Harry Potter Trailer

thats all. byebye.

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